
I'm not a babysitter...

"So, Brooks, what do you do?"
It's the question I dread almost as much as, "So, Brooks, are you seeing anyone special?"
As a single, newly graduated, 24 year old, I suppose neither is a very uncommon question...and at least the former isn't followed by, "...because I have a son/grandson/friend/neighbor/gardener who is single..."
But the answer is I am a nanny.
Depending on who I am talking to, I get a range of reactions. Sometimes I take the time to qualify my answer by explaining that I am an artist, and that until I can afford to fulfill my dream of opening my own store of local handmade things, I need a way to pay the bills. Of course, sometimes I feel like saying, "Wipe that smug look off your face, you judgmental ass, I have a BA in History, I studied art in Italy, and I started my own jewelry design business when I was 20."
But, usually I just smile and nod, because I love what I do. I've been taking care of small children since I was twelve. It's what I do. If I had a business card for nannying that I handed out to mothers, the tagline would read, "...because I've been taking care of babies longer than you have."

For the last year I've been taking care of Mia, an incredibly adorable (and extremely precocious) 2 year old. I can't tell you how many times I've been out and about with her and she is recognized. Once we were on a walk and 2 young, good looking men out jogging separately passed us and said, "hi Mia!" The child sees more action than I do. She now has a 4 month old baby sister, Lucy, and I love them both dearly.
Mia, along with the rest of the family now, calls me Brooksie. Lately I've started referring to myself as Brooksie in the third person..."Brooksie will get it," "Mia, you wait here, Brooksie will be right back," "Brooksie has to go get Lucy," "Brooksie will turn on a show for you, go sit on the couch."
Unfortunately, it has been slipping into my everyday conversations lately...I am just waiting for the day when I'm on a date and say, "You wait here, Brooksie has to go to the potty."
I have a feeling that that coupled with the fact that I have 2 car seats in my car at all times is going to do wonders for my love life.

I wonder if that gardener is still single...

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand, one of my other friends is also a nanny, and I go over there and help sometimes.

    However I more understand the wanting to open up your own shop and waiting for that moment when everything seems to come together. I hope at some point that "ah-ha" moment will come and everything will fit together I will be able to make it on my artistic ability alone.
