
Sorry, Dad.

I was scolded by my father last night for not having posted a new blog in so long. My father, the English major, reminded me of the importance of continuing to practice my writing and of simply exercising the discipline each week to get it done. What a pain in the ass.

Just kidding. After a brief flashback of a meeting with an English professor in college, I started to think about why I haven't posted yet this summer. The answer that I came up with is that I have simply been preoccupied. I must say that I am not sad to see June leave us, but perhaps the mere fact that I felt inspired to write again on July 1st is a good omen for this coming month.

I have had a lot on my plate. Some of the troubles I've been facing are probably pretty common for single, 24 year old nannies...but I'm quite certain that some of them are not.

For example, not long after I posted my last blog, I adopted a kitten. Not long after that, I almost killed said kitten. A freak accident during a workout, (mine not the kitten's) led to a very long night in the emergency animal hospital, my dad making several bad jokes about re-making E.R. with vets, (and one okay joke about Dr. "Bark" Green) and my mom very generously handing over her credit card to save my kitten, Calpurnia, from severe head trauma, which may or may not have been my fault. (welcome to the blog, mom.)

Alas, Calpurnia made a full, if not a little bit miraculous, recovery.

As I said, some of my problems this summer have been your everyday run-of-the-mill problems. And some have not.

I won't bore you with the rest of my troubles, they aren't nearly as traumatizing or entertaining as the kitten story. But today, as I was thinking about the first month of summer and how hard it's been...I tried instead to concentrate on those things that made June a little bit easier...the things that made June great. Here's what I came up with:

-Lucy started crawling and pulling herself up to stand. She waves, and claps, and does "oh my" and "so big" on command and it may very well be the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life.

-Mia's personality continues to grow stronger and more adorable and more challenging each and every day. She has learned how to swim, makes Lucy laugh constantly, and greets me with, "Brooksie, I was missing you today"

-My brother and his wife bought their first house, my sister-in-law was commissioned by the United Methodist Church and will be starting her work as a minister soon. (welcome to the blog, Elaine.)

-The Chicago White Sox went on an 11 game winning streak, the longest since 1961, and in two weeks my boys of summer went from a 9 1/2 game deficit to being within 1 1/2 games of the first place Twins. (!)

-My cousin, Anne Lamb (better known to you as "the screamer",) has joined me in the Nursery this summer which has vastly increased the amount of time that I get to spend with her.

-My best friend, Susan, came home from Chicago for a visit and at a family dinner we recounted stories from our childhood that have been told over and over again, but that made me laugh harder than I have in a really long time. (welcome to the blog, q.)

-New seasons of True Blood and Entourage premiered.

-The FIFA World Cup.


-I turned 24 and a half.

Life's hard, it happens. But in the midst of all that, there's so much more. There's laughter and love...friends hold you up, babies laugh, baseball teams win, and kittens make miraculous recoveries.

Here's hoping that, for you, June was wonderful. And that if it wasn't, you have as much love and laughter in your life as I do to carry you through. July will be better.

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